
Macy 15: Waiting

Derrick and Macy sat down at the table inside Voletta, one of the best places to eat in town.

“Wow, this is nice.” Macy whispered.

Derrick smiled and nodded as the waiter arrived. They ordered drinks and food because though Voletta was the best, it also took the longest to cook the food.

“So, um sorry to bring this up, but you haven’t heard from Shane, right?” Derrick asked.

“No I haven’t. Bu-but, oh my god, is that him? Wait! Don’t turn around.” She peeked around Derrick and sure enough, there was Shane standing in the doorway. “Hold on.” She walked toward him calmly, but he grabbed her shoulders roughly.

“What the hell?” Shane barked.

Macy pulled out of his grasp and hissed, “Don’t come near me. What are you doing here?”

“I should ask you the same question.”

“Leave. Now. I’m perfectly fine without you.”

“Macy, I love you.” Shane told her.

“No, you don’t and I don’t love you. So get out of here. Now.” Macy bellowed.

“I’ll be waiting outside.”

“No Shane, okay wait!”

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