
Where The Stairwell Leads [escape challenge]

The staircase spiraled up a tall tower. I went round and round in the semi-darkness, climbing further up. My footsteps made soft clunks on the wooden planks. I could hear my breath become quicker and my heart began beating in my ears. I wondered where this would end.

One of the stairs squeaked, startling me out of my stepping and breathing rhythm. I stepped on it again, just to hear the sound. If I shifted my weight forward and back on the stair it squeaked longer. I thought this was just the kind of odd little thing Kitty would berate me for being distracted about. Kitty! I had to keep going.

At the top was a door. It pushed open with a little effort. I was very high, almost 20 stories! It took my breath away. I’d have to be rescued by a helicopter or use a hang-glider to get down from here safely. Dead end.

So it seemed I was stuck with a room of stuffed beasts, an office with a door locked on the outside, a tower roof with plenty of fresh air, and one squeaky stair. I sat down in disappointment.

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