
An Encounter Of Ice

We sprinted down the hallway, panting and heaving as we darted through the corridors. We came upon the pub in the building and darted towards the billiards room. Hastily, I grabbed a pool cue and shoved Joy underneath one of the tables. I strived to control my breathing as the air grew ever frigid with his approach.

We had encountered him before, but was never to identify him. A John Doe with a stupendous power: supreme control over frost. From what little we’ve been able to document, he could bring his surroundings to sub-zero temperatures and could effectively freeze anything he came in contact with. Looking at his exterior would provide no help in identifying his abilities; he was of average height with with a slightly pale complexion with black rimmed glasses and a walking stick.

All fell silent for a moment. Before we could examine to see if it was safe, the table we hid under became as ice, then quickly shattered from the force of the man’s walking cane. He smiled as he extended his palm…

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