
Winners Write History

He sighed, looking very much like he did not like to share this part of the story, “They knew they had no chance, they knew they’d die anyway.”
“Die?” I asked.
He nodded, “Or destroyed, whichever term you prefer.”
I frowned, “They weren’t destroyed, they faded. We learned about this—”
“In Warlock school,” he finished for me, looking at me knowingly he added, “Ever heard the phrase ‘the winner writes the history books?’”
I frowned, “Yes, but don’t they show the losers as bad and the winners as good? And then talk about how great the defeat was? Why keep that quiet?”
He smiled, “Because the Warlocks were woefully uninformed. They discovered the work of the last Fae magistrates: the spell they cast so the Fae would rise again, but they had no idea how the spell would work. How much The Fae would know, how powerful it would be. They had no idea. So they tried to cover up their terrible misdeed. If they had thought to ask us, who have been enemies of the Fae for much longer, they would have known better.”

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