
The Everyday THX 0477 [Pen Name Challenge]

Awaking from a restful sleep, he was delighted to find the sheets were still neatly tucked under the mattress. The crisp air of the autumn Saturday morning was counteracted perfectly by the warm fuzz of his Bugs Bunny slippers.

He made his way into the sun-warmed kitchen to ponder his breakfast alternatives. Waffles! Waffles would do nicely. Two Eggos went into the toaster, and fresh, deliciously tart orange juice went into his favorite frosty glass.

One DING ! later, two perfect steaming Eggos were released from the toaster.

After filling each waffle’s boxy surface compartments with syrup, he took the first bite. The golden, sugary tidal wave gave a rush to his nervous system, and a smile of beaming white teeth spread across his face. Intense sunlight suddenly filled the kitchen, and two squeaking squirrels on the window sill high-fived each other. In Utah, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir burst into a spontaneous chorus of hallelujahs.

The day was already achieving unprecedented levels of awesome.

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