
New Start This Year

Faith was sitting with her friends on her first day back to school at Mason Learning Academy. A boarding school in Florida.

“So, what do you guy want to accomplish this year” asked Faith.
“I want to make varsity soccer” said Victoria smiling.
“No doubt you will make that”, said Mia laughing.
“What do you want to do this year Faith?” asked Victoria.

Faith thought Nothing really. I don’t have anything planned for this year.

“Nothing really, I just want to have some fun.” Faith answered.
“Well, I know I want to meet a boy”, laughed Mia. The group laughed.
“Ya”, they all said in unison.
“You are awful quiet, Allie” said Victoria concerned

Faith looked at Allie who was texting probably her boyfriend. I can’t believe she is still with him Faith thought.

“Oh common Allie you can stop talking to her for like one minute and talk to us.” glared Mia huffing.
“I gotta go, sorry”, mumbled Allie and she left.

If only she knew thought Faith sighing.

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