
Naked Male Insecurity

Suddenly, Mendez and Tom were throwing punches at me. Jodi had thrust me right into the thick of it. She stood to the side, leering at us.

“I just love naked male insecurity!” She gushed. I went to berate her but then had to quickly duck to avoid Tom’s rapidly approaching fist.

“What the hell? Guys, just stop for a second – Ow! Damnit, Tom! What did you do that for?”

“This is all your stupid fault, Jordan! It was YOUR plan in the first place!”

“Just listen to me for a minute! And Mendez, would you quit trying to give me a wedgie?!”

“You’re such a nancy-boy. Stand up for yourself! Be a man!”

“You can do it, Tom!” Jodi squealed, jumping up and down like a demonic cheerleader.

I was momentarily distracted by the sight of Jodi in all her bouncing glory so I wasn’t able to deflect Mendez’s left hook. But I took it standing up (for once). Mendez looked at me in astonishment.

“Hit him back, Jordan!”

So I did. I hit Mendez back. It looked like all those painful hours at Rock Hard were finally paying off.

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