

Coming home for Steve meant the three dogs he never should have had. He didn’t have the time or the energy for them, but either way, there he was with them.

The dogs had to be walked. Three high energy animals in a two bedroom town home left him with little choice if he ever planned to have any sanity.

Steve looked forward to his walks. The dogs were calm and Steve marched through neighborhoods convinced he was the South’s version of Cesar MIlan.

Nothing much ever happened on the walks. Steve would here hear someone mention in passing about the pretty or cute dogs but for the most part they would just walked in silence.

Until today.

The SUV rolled up beside them on a quiet neighborhoods street. The car stopped and the window rolled down.

The driver stared for a minte at Steve and the dogs and then in a distant voice said, 'midnight.'

And then, “midnight,” one more time, before driving away.

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