
Of course i care

eh, who the hell am i trying to kid?
of course i care
every minute away from you makes me want to cry, and i have no shame in saying that
i cant act like this forever, every time i see you my heart aches, people ask me why im not with you and i cant tell them, it hurts too much
there are no words painful enough to describe how much not being with you hurts me
after months of watching you from the sideline, not saying anything of how i felt about you, holding it in for oyur sake, the thought of going back to that again is almost unbearable
i know you dont care, and it doesnt suprise me, not in the least, i mean, after all, who would want to be with me? i cant even get my own father to stay with me.
i know every inch of your face by heart, i know the look in your eyes when your sad, angry, depressed, even the far off look you have when your thinking
your eyes, if i could look into them and see that same look of happiness in them that i used to see, happiness towards me, maybe even love, id give anything

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