
The Ride Home

“Hey Lilly, need a ride?” Brian asked.
“That would be great,” she replied, still mesmerized that all this was happening to her. Waving goodbye to a surprised Kate, she hopped into Brian’s convertible and drove off.

As they were on their way to who-knows-where, Brian reached for her hand. Smiling to herself, she took it gladly.
“So, what kinda music do you like Lilly?” he asked.
“Ummm, anything you like,” she said, figuring that was the easiest answer.
“Are you sure?” he asked.
“Yeah, I’m sure, anything’s fine. Hwe turned on the radio to the oldies station. Embarassed, his ears glowed red at the tips.
“This is the music I really like,” he said bashfully.
“Are you kidding, I love oldies!” she said, happy that they had something in common. They talked about the Beatles and Rolling Stone the whole time.

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