
Rhode Island Games pt3

We all meet outside the dinning room waiting for the last couple of people to show up. “Peter how did your semester go?”
“Well Mr. Davis I had a good semester. I’m just glad to be home for a bit to spend time with my family.”
The waiter came out and showed them to their table. 20 mins in Pete felt his phone, Khael. “Will you please excuse me? My mother is calling.”
They excused him and he went outside to pick up the call.
P: “Hey Baby. I miss you.”
K: “I miss you too. What room are you staying in?”
P: “The Palladian Room. Don’t worry Clarke has his own room.”
K: “I’m not worried. I just wish you were here and not there. So how was the trip?”
P: “Baby can I call you back; they are waiting for me to start eating. I’ll talk to you later. Miss you Bye.”
K: “Miss you too Bye.”
Pete went back to his seat. “My mom wanted to make sure I got here ok.”
After they finished eating the sat and had a chat. “Clarke looked at his family, “Well I’m ready to spend sometime with Pete alone, if you would please excuse us.â€?

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