
A Perfectly Normal Day

It was a perfectly normal day. The sky was its boldest blue, the clouds forming into various shapes as if trying to amuse us as we gathered around outside. As if that wasn’t captivating enough, pairs of military planes were putting on an aerial display that made the Blue Angels look like amateurs.

We shared some oohs and ahhs, as dozens of planes broke formation and set into nosedives, which they broke out of moments before hitting the ground.

“It must be some sort of training mission,” I said.

Moments later, a jet dove and we stood paralyzed in fear, sensing it would not make it out of the dive. As the pilot desperately fought for control, he bailed out just before the jet exploded.

As the flames rose and the sky darkened, we were terrified. A tornado emerged seemingly out of the rubble and we stood mesmerized as it headed straight for us. “Get in the house, you idiots!” I shouted, running.

I got inside just before the tornado hit, knocking me from my feet. Thank God it wasn’t as bad as what was coming.

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