
What's Best For You? What About For Me?

“How-how can u say that? Ive always cared for u. Always! I was always there for u. I always helped u. I listened to u. If u needed something, I was there 2 give it 2 u. Y would u say that I have never loved u? Ive always loved u! I still do! I love u, Tray, u just don’t open ur eyes to see it!”
“Mya, u dont love me. Becky does. And, if u really do love me, you’ll realize that u need 2 do whats best 4 me. U’ll realize that Becky and I were made 2 b 2gether, not us. I’ll forever like you as a frend, but nothing more. Im sorry, I cant- you’ll never- we- its just not meant to b.”
Mya’s tears, that had been threatening 2 spill over her eyes, dribble down onto her cheeks. Her tears poured like the rain that she felt was coming down from the sky inside her heart. But then, what heart? Her heart must no longer exist, because it felt as if it had been ripped in 2. No heart could ever survive that amount of damage. So now there must b a gaping hole where her heart had been. And she would never b able 2 fill it.

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