
Remembering the Tragedy

Amelia chattered aimlessly for awhile.When I saw an opening, I jumped at it, “Hey, you know that kid, Drew? What do you know about him?” Years of practice kept my voice nonchalant.
“Oh, him,” she said knowledgably.She leaned towards me secretively, her voice lowering, “he’s the class tragedy.”
And you’re the class gossip, I added mentally.
Outwardly I raised my eyebrows, “Really? What happened?” my interest was genuine.
“Well, he had this girlfriend, right?” she started, “she was a new girl, so that’s probably why he freaked out today.”
“Had? Was?” I caught the key words.
She nodded overdramatically, “Oh yes, she died. So tragic, she was hit by a drunk driver.Her dad was a drunk, you know? He learned from it though.He’s donated tons of money to SADD and MADD ; he’s a painter or something. Drew though, he sort of lost it.He’s tried to commit suicide twice.Though, honestly,” she sniffed, “I don’t know what he saw in her.”
I suppressed a smile.This was going to be more interesting than I had thought.

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