
Still Waiting for You

She heard their song, and she started to cry.

“I cant believe I wont see him this month either. Its been so long, like 6 months” she thought.

She walked over to her window, barely wearing nothing preparing for her nightly shower. She looked in her driveway to her car and her grandfather’s car. She slid on her robe, and walked out her bedroom barefoot.

“Granddad?” she said.

“Yes baby.” he said as he walked in with a bag of groceries.

“Oh you went to the market?”

“Yeah, we needed some spices for my soup.”

“You and yours soups?”

“I’ve been eatting soup since I was 10yrs old, and I’m 79 now!

“Yes you have.”

“I even brung you something that I found.”

“What is it?”

“Its in Mason’s old room.”

She walked to the room with her granddad following behind with her song still playing. She opened the door.

“Surprise!” he said.
She was speechless. She started to cry as she ran and jump into his arms, (it was her husband, that she hasnt seen in 6months, and he return from Iraq…

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