
Remembering to Charge my iPod (or rather, Forgetting)

I lay in bed silently, emptying my mind again… but for some reason it isn’t working. Something doesn’t feel right, but I can’t put my finger on it… I suddenly realize that I am in silence. Total silence. My music has stopped. I look down at my iPod and groan. I’d forgotten to charge it, it was dead. I quickly plugged it into my computer and turned on my iTunes, playing it quietly so my mom wouldn’t be woken by it. I lay back down, waiting for the peace of emptiness to soak over me.



But it isn’t working; I’m too high-strung from yesterday. I get up, glancing at the clock. 4 in the morning. Well, it isn’t too early. I head off to the shower, hoping that will clear my head… or at least relax my tensioned muscles.

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