
Möbius Strip: Lost and Found - Part 2

She stood, board straight, head down, completely, impossibly motionless. A single fixed point in a tempest of sight and sound, past and present colliding, coalescing, folding around one loci.

It looked like Dreanna but even Eric could not be sure. He reached out, started to probe the specter with his being. Instantly it reacted, slowly raising it’s head to stare in his direction.

“Am I the Dreamer or the Dream?” Her question reverberated throughout the Link. A signal so strong it caused even the demigod to wince. So powerful it overloaded Ker. He cried out as he instinctively grabbed his head and fell to his knees in a vain attempt to block it.

“Why are you here?” Eric replied.

“Unity. The circle is unbroken. Beginning’s End. Mother waits.” Then silence, nothing, as the world around them snapped back to normal.

“We’re done here.” Eric said helping Ker to his feet. “Time to go.”

“Go where?”

“Into the Lion’s Den.”

Before he could respond, Ker suddenly found himself standing at Ruku’s main port.

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