
I am Slut

“On the upside though, that means you have been looking at my ass,” Cooper mused from the back seat.
I ground my teeth together, my knuckles turning white from gripping the stearing wheel so hard. “Cooper, I am uninterested in being your fallback. Get out of my car or I’m calling the police for sexual harrassment.”
“Brit,” Cooper said in a wheedling voice, “Come on, you slept with Derek last weekend.”
“What?” I yelled, spinning around, “How the hell do you…”
He was grinning, “Come on Brit, he’s my best friend.”
“He sucks,” I muttered
“Sucks as in because he told me or sucks as in—”
“Shut up, Cooper,” I growled. To my surprise, he does, and we sit in silence for a moment. I turn around, ready to ask him ‘Are you gonna get out of the car or what?’ but he’s suddenly there, his mouth mashed on mine.
He is so damn good. For a moment, like always when I kiss him, I lose myself. I just want to fall into the backseat with him, let him melt into me. Furious, I shove him away, “NO! goddammit.”

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