
Irrevocably, Amy.

I stared at the hand mark I had just made on Jeremys face, which turned from a brillant white to a deep burgundy.
Feeling tears well up in my eyes, I turned away from him.
“Amy, I-Im sorry. I didnt realize that I still love her until just now, right when I was about to kiss u. Im sorry! So, so sorry…”
I looked back at him, & saw the sadness in his misty hazel eyes.
“Maybe if Jena wasnt in the picture, we would have worked out, but… I dont know, A, she just seems… differant. Than anyone Ive ever dated.” His eyes turned down, seemingly contemplating his love life. Then they flickered back up to me, & I could tell the he really was sorry. I saw the remorse in his eyes.
I had promised myself that I would nvr get my heart deeply involved in a relationship again, but I had somehow let myself fall for Jeremy. He was so sweet, so kind. But he was also the perfect match for Jena. He knew this, & now so did I.
Jeremy stood up.
“Well, I guess I’ll see you at school on Monday.”
“I guess.”
He walked away.

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