
Locked Out

I was just about to close up when someone walked in, technically we were still open, so I had to serve him, damn him.

“Ah, excuse me good fellow, could I trouble you for a second.” He said, jauntily.

“Yes sir certainly, what is it I could help you with?”

“Well, it’s quite embarrassing actually, I’ve managed to lock myself out of my flat and I need several tools to obtain entry.” I realised this was going to be time consuming as he rattled of his list of equipment.

“Have you considered calling a locksmith?”

“Well, I tried to get my insurance down and installed 14 locks on my front door, all 14 keys are inside, that’s why I need so much stuff to get back in.”

“I suppose that kind of makes sense, this will cost a lot you know.”

“Well, here’s the rub, I’ve also locked my wallet in my flat and can’t pay you up front.”

“Right, look I just want to go home, I’ll come with you to your flat on the way, anything else I can help you with?”

“Yes actually, could you get these cuffs off, they’re killing me?”

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