
The Most Secure Place on the Planet

Derringmark Prison was the most secure place on the planet.

Nestled in the remote mountains east of the Hub, it rose up like one simple, drab-gray brick, blending in with the rock surrounding it. There was only one door, and that was followed by smaller cast-iron gates with three locks each. That door led out onto a path watched by fifteen blazing spotlights set upon the main building and the two walls that covered the front.

Once you got past the three successive gates, two walls, fifteen spotlights, three thousand guards armed with everything from sniper rifles to .9mm pistols, and twelve-thousand foot drop to the rocks below, there was only one helicopter pad that was the only way on or off the mountain.

And so when the most dangerous man on the planet escaped using only a toothpick and four inches of wire, the public was in quite a stir.

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