
Because It was Arson

Judas watched Zooey turn back into the forest. She knew he shouldn’t go alone. She knew she should be right beside him.

So why was she still standing here.

“Do you still smell something burning?” Zooey called over his shoulder.
“Of course! Everything reeks of fire! Everything reeks of…” Judas’ eyes fell on a burnt out torch.
“Jud?” Zooey spun to face her. “What did you say?”
She shook her head.
“Nothing. I’m coming with you.” Judas ran after him, awkwardly falling forward to grasp his hand. “Zachariah.” She startled him by using his real name. “I don’t think they’re alive. And if we keep going, we might not be either.”
Zooey allowed his brow to furrow. “Why?”
“Because it was arson.”

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