
May 7, 2008: One Last Jump

“You still kickin, old man?” came her soft, familiar voice. The rest of the room seemed to fade away.

“You came, Mercedes? That really you?”

Taking his hand gently in hers she soothed, “Course it is.”

He choked back a hoarse sob, “I’m so ashamed. I-I-I…all these people here to see me off, and…”

“Shh, shh, papi Eliezer.”

He chuckled then turned serious, “I’m afraid to die, you know.”

“Who isn’t?”

“But I think I’m more afraid to disappoint all these people.” The old friends shared a laugh, and he finally conceded, “I guess I’m just a little mixed up about which way to go.”

Mercedes just smiled, “Like you always told me, Eli, just cause we’re telling you to look before you leap, doesn’t mean we’re saying don’t jump.”

Eli smiled a contented smile, “Whatever they say, don’t let them make you sit Shiva. You go do a Rosemary thingy there for me.”

“Okay, papi. Okay.”

Both smiled, friends from worlds apart. A feeble breath rattled his chest. She just smiled and held on tight as she let him go.

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