
Teenage Word Dictionary 2008

Random – Behaving in a strange way or saying something completely off subject
EXP . – Vanessa is so random, she just screamed out “Sausage!â€? while we were talking about Comic Books.

Ridiculous – Something cool or funny or describing something that shouldn’t look the way it does. (Meaning determined by tone of voice)
EXP . – I was just watching America’s Funniest Home Videos, I laughed so hard it was ridiculous.
EXP – Vanessa looks at Taylor’s cornrows and shakes her head. “Those have been in way too long. ‘Cause the back of your head is ridiculous! â€?

Awkward – A weird comment, an uncomfortable situation also used when you have nothing to say
EXP – After they had eaten dinner, Vanessa asked what kind of meat it had been. When they told her it was pig intestine she turned pale. “Well, that’s awkward.â€? Taylor said.

Hott – A really attractive guy/girl
EXP – “He is so hott!â€?

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