
Greatness Rains pt.2

“That’s not-I’m-why would you say that? I-well, I suppose… maybe you’re right. But this discussion is hardly about me. You’ve diagnosed my fear; it’s time for my to diagnose yours.”

“My fear is fairly incomplex; I don’t like the rain. That’s all there is to it. That’s pretty much it.”

“No. No, there is more. Just like what you said about me, you don’t even realize what it is you’re fearing. Your fear… it’s not… as understandable as mine is. But just like me, it’s not the rain you’re scared of, it’s something about the rain. It’s not the feeling, the smell, the sight of it, it’s the… unpredictableness. You never know when rain could come; even the weathermen are wrong sometimes. It’s scattered, and there’s no certain pattern which it follows. The drops can be various sizes; it’s all… uncertain. Unstable. And you like life to be stable.”


“But that’s just a guess. And you could be wrong about me also. Hey, after all, we’re just two psychotherapists having a conversation.”

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