
Tears of a Broken Girl

“He did what?!?!?”

My hands began to shake and my heart began to pound as a girl in my class, Hannah, told me that my boyfriend of 2 months, Kevin, had attempted to make a move on her

“Stella, I am so sorry”
“It’s not you’re fault, I should have known”

I felt so betrayed, but mope about this i will not! At first Kevin didn’t even think he did anything wrong, which of course just made me cry. We all were outside of our school now. I tried my best to ignore Kevin, but i thought he cared. How could he do this. It’s not like he even tried to apologize.

“I need to talk to Keith.”
I shouted frantically to Allison, one of my friends, she immediatley brought my best friend Keith to my side. Him and I walked to a secluded part of the school were we could be alone. At first i almost began to cry but Keith’s face kept me strong

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