
Alive part 11

I could only think of breathing. If I stopped focusing on it, for all I know, this could be the last time my lungs were full of oxygen. At this point, I wasn’t sure if that was good or not so good. I felt lower than a dog when a man stepped out of his vehicle and studied me. He just stood there looking at me with his arms folded for a few seconds before he started to approach me. I was tied down to the ground, or at least as far as I was concerned. My weak eyes pouted up at him and he could taste my bittersweet fear. He reached down to me, trying to help me up by pulling my hands up towards him. I didn’t know what to think. Was he kidnapping me or was he trying to help? Just to be safe.. I aimed dead on for the groin and let my foot do the rest. Even if he was just trying to help, he had no right to touch me. He retreated to his deep blue coloured car. I rolled over to continue steady breathing. It was a bit easier now. Once my body shifted, I realized, there was a note waiting under my left arm…

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