
The Following Ficlet Takes Place Between 10:00 PM and 11:00 PM

10:33:37 PM

Half an hour later, Marcos still hadn’t learned a thing about the Mastermind, and precious little about Gordon Reeves. Marcos went over what he had:

Reeves, Gordon. Born May 3, ‘73. Graduated West Hills High, ‘91. B.S. in Biology, UCSD , ‘95. Married Ellen Davis, April 18, 1996. One son, Jason, born later that same year. Completed medical degree, ‘01. Worked his way through to chief or cardiology at UCSD Med Center (he never left). By the book, he acquired position for his administrative abilities as much as anything else. Investments solid, but no standouts. Lives in affluent part of town, though Zillo prices the homes around his at 7% more than his.

Why would the Mastermind target this guy?

Marcos got up and went into the storeroom where Jason was being held. He pulled off Jason’s burlap hood, and let him adjust to the light and to focus.

Then he ripped the duct tape from Jason’s mouth.

“MmmrrrrooOOWWW!!â€? Jason shouted.

“Okay,â€? Marcos said simply. “Let’s talk.â€?

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