

A light turns red
I have waited for a man
The lights flicker on with out a single warning to be told

The darkness that has surrounded me
The stars flicker with the light
I feel cold
I feel alone

To search for a new home
To search for a new meaning in life

The light flickers
The stars lights up with every blink of the light

The night
The day
They all seem to be the same

I have waited
For this moment

A man to come
And take me away
To a new home

Where has all the people gone
Why am I so alone?

The light flickers on
The number dials down to zero
A smell so rotten it makes your eyes water

A flash
A bang
A crackling sound

Life flashes in your eyes
The stars surround you
The darkness swallows you whole
Air becomes a tale

I have waited for a man to come.

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