

I just want to curl up in a ball and weep, then sleep for days.

I am surrounded by walls of despair, blocking me from happiness, from contentment, from peace. I will never find those emotions again. I will never crawl out of this pit.

The fields lie fallow, unproductive. A hunger churns up angry bubbles within. Unsatisfied with food, with forms of entertainment, it refuses to let me go, searching for other hopes and dreams to devour.

Nightmares trouble my sleep, I cry out with no one to hear. I lie awake, alone, afraid. Somewhere a child bawls, yowling until hoarse and spent. Then all is silence.

There are no thoughts here, no desires physically nor mentally. There is forever nothingness. It’s gray, and cold. The air is stale without a breeze. There isn’t a fog to hide in, nor a shadow to break up the monotony.

My body is lead, heavy, dull. I cannot move. Breath barely escapes my lungs and returns, jagged, weighing more each time.

My heart beats painfully fast, the only sound in this vast wasteland.

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