
A Whole Knew World

She packed more furiously than she ever had before, despite the many times she had ran away from her cruel father.

It was time. Her slender body curved out the window, and slipped out onto the front lawn. She dashed into the night to his car. She ran like she had never ran before. His car was in plain sight now. She never once looked back at her house, though she knew she would never return. For a moment she was a little saddened by the idea of leaving her father. One thought of the way her father treated her and one look at his car and she knew that the saddness was unjustified.

She carefully climbed into his car.
“Hello sweetheart.” He greeted her.
A smile and kiss was her reply.

With that his silver volvo pealed away into the street, opening up a whole new world to the both of them.

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