
The Following Ficlet Takes Place Between 11:00 PM and 12:00 AM

11:48:51 PM

Marcos sat in his car in the parking lot of the Chuck E. Cheese and double checked the address Jason had given him.

“Damn it!â€? he cursed to himself.

The restaurant was closed and dark. The lot was empty, save for his car and a silver BMW 328i parked at the other end.

Marcos was just about to start up his car and pull away, when he spotted him. Gordon Reeves came around from the back of the building, crossed the lot and got into the Beamer.

Marcos waited a moment as Reeves started up the car and pulled out of the lot. Even this guy’s car is only generically successful, Marcos thought as he pulled out after him.

He stayed two cars behind Reeves, so as not to be spotted, but just as he was about to follow Reeves onto the freeway, Marcos’ phone rang.

Marcos checked the ID on the call. It was the Mastermind. Marcos swore to himself and hit send.

“This is Marcos,â€? he said.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?â€? The Mastermind spat back.

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