
An angel listening to me - (my own entry, totally out of contest)

Elizabeth didn’t expect any visit. She was alone in her dorm room, stressing over the finals (she really needed better grades), her head gripped by a strong headache.

John entered the room, his eyes red, crying. And he called her “Lizzie”. The pet name they used since childhood. Now, all grown-up, still friends, but with different crews, seeing other people, they didn’t resort to pet names. Liz knew something was wrong.She put him at ease, motioned him to sit.

He had broke up with Carol. Not her fault, not his. But still, he needed to talk. Liz reassured him, weeks of fights, lies and coldness unfolded in a small dorm room. Liz wasn’t a great listener, but kept herself from commenting. Just listened, nodding and conforting.

“I was wrong. You’re my angel, Lizzie. Thank you for listening, I love you”. He kissed her on the cheek, before going.

Susan entered the room.

“Liz, how are you? Is your throat still hurting dear?”

Liz simply smiled. Maybe, she wouldn’t mind holding to her laryngitis a little longer.

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