
Unknown Problems

The following day was a Tuesday. Craig wasn’t working today, like Olivia, so he offered to help with her next story.

“So, what sport?â€? he asked her at lunch.

Olivia sighed, “Football, of course, and then everything else as smaller points.â€?

“Okay, that sounds good. What about football?â€?

“Um, I don’t know. The games and the practices and the … star player.â€?

Craig rolled his eyes. “Oh, it’s that jerk, Ashton. Good luck talking to him for your story.â€?

“Don’t be jealous; he is the star player, so I have to talk to him. And I need some pictures for the paper edition and some videos for the television part. You’ll help, right?â€?

“As long as I’m far away from jock jerk and not being called jealous.â€? He picked up his lunch and walked away swiftly. What’s his problem?

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