
Parasitosis Dream [Weirdest Dream Challenge]

Sigh, another morning, another battle with my face. Clearasil you fail me once again! A quick splash of water, and I face my reflection.

Gyah! It’s worse than usual. I look like I slept face down in the plate scrapings at an Italian restaurant. This is going to hurt. This is going to be ugly. This is war.

I start with the bulging white one on my left cheek. It’s so hideous it cries out to be assaulted. The milky white grossness oozes out at my urging and slowly crawls across my face.

What the!? Yee-Augh!

I frantically wipe it off of my face and into the sink. But where did it go? Did I imagine that? Are there more?

I start popping, and things start crawling. I’m flicking, swiping, and flinging like a mad man. Oh crap, I must be mad. This can’t be real.

My face is bleeding, open sores weeping along with my mind. The sink is strewn with wriggling, crawling creepies. I could swear some of them are inching back towards me.

Did I get them all? Do they want back in? Am I going to die?

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