

It was a quiet evening, but as usual, it was shattered by some disaster of some sort.

Well, thunderstorms aren’t really disasters.

They’re just phenomena we have to deal with because they come around every once in a while.

Our community is very close with each other; it is a cursing and blessing together.

Right now, they’re cowering inside their homes whilst I’m sitting outside like an idiot, my hair and clothes sleek with the rain.

The lightning forks in the sky, yet I remain where I am. Change is good once in a while, even if it means getting sopping wet.

My thoughts are wandering from here to there, different memories and conversations wheedling themselves into my mind’s eye.

I don’t want to listen to that. I don’t want to see those.

Two beams of lightning simultaneously hit the river, and the world is frozen for a moment.

Everything is bathed in resplendent light before it reverts to normal.

I patiently wait for the thunder.

After it sounds, I release my nervous breath.

Alone again.

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