
One Step Closer [High Brow, Life and Death Challenge]

With a sigh Nicholas glanced between his crossword and the hallway in front of him. His humble shoes squeaked as he went, making his way to the bay of elevators, waiting to lift him towards the heavens only to cruelly deposit him at another day of drudgery.

With hardly a thought he pressed the button and went back to his puzzle, sparing a glance and a smile for the young woman joining him for the interminable wait. Time ticked past, three more answers filled in.

The doors slid open with a ding, but Nicholas did not proceed. Movement had caught his eye, a woman who looked more bedraggled than he felt, which was saying a lot, struggled toward the elevator with one too many stacks of paper. Her step faltered on a heel too high to be comfortable but still too low to be fashionable.

Puzzle tucked under his arm Nicholas offered, “Here let me help you with all that.”

They waited for the next elevator quietly. When it arrived Nicholas stepped on with laiden arms.

One more day of life. One step closer.

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