
Take a Moment

I sat in the heather, letting this one moment of bliss pass by without a qualm.

I deserved the quiet and peace once in a while.

Did you ever know that nature is almost like a musical instrument?

This is going to sound extremely like something out of Pocahontas, but if you really do close your eyes and listen, you can hear every sound and tune around you.

There’s the rustling of the leaves upon the bark, and the branches swaying together.

The roots of the trees clamber over each other like clumsy school children, racing to get to school and only succeeding in ending up in a heap of limbs.

The fox tends to her kits only a few yards away, nestling them deeper into the den and clicking at them in annoyance with her jaw.

Deeper, further away, there’s a cacophony of screeches as a clutch of newly-hatched eggs await their first feed.

Songs drift up form the forest and the ocean.

All you have to do is pay attention to them.

Just lose yourself in the melody.

It’s not hard, really.


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