
When You Gotta Go (Embarrassing Moment challenge)

My MOST most embarrassing moment is too horrible to share, so here’s my second.

I lived out in the country growing up, it was peaceful, secluded, and full of nature.

It was late afternoon and I had left my bike parked out in the lane beside the field. My dad was going to mow it with the tractor and he told me to go get it. When Dad says to go, you go! So I ran.

Unfortunately, running jostled my bladder and suddenly I had to go, NOW !

I turned to look at the house. No one was in the windows. I got as close to the trees as I could, without stepping in the poison ivy, then dropped trou and relieved myself.

This wasn’t something I was proud of, but I’d done it before, peed outside. When you gotta go, you gotta go!

I rode my bike home, parked it in the appropriate spot and entered the house. My Dad laughed merrily.
“What was that?!” he giggled. “You just dropped your pants and went!” he laughed out loud.

My face was red. “I had to go!” I defended myself, always having to have the last word.
I left the room.

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