
Remembering Running

“But,” I said hopefully, “People wake up from Comas all the time. After years and years!” I grew frustrated as she shook her head, her eyes still closed. “Yes, Paige! Why are you so pessimistic?”
“Because she’s dying!” Paige began sobbing again, “You think I would have told you now if she weren’t? You aren’t ready to hear this! Look at you! The hope will destroy you!”
Suddenly, something that should have been glaringly obvious struck me. “You…” I whispered, “You knew.” She just kept crying, huddled up in a ball on the floor beside me. “You knew!” I was yelling again, “You knew all this time and you didn’t tell me!” She sobbed louder. “Goddammit, Paige! Why didn’t you tell me?”
“You weren’t ready.”
“I wasn’t ready?” I asked in furious disbelief, “Who are you to judge that, Paige, who are you?”
I stood up, striding to the door again.
“I wasn’t allowed to tell you!” she screamed after me, her voice breaking painfully, “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”
I didn’t stop this time. I ran straight out the door.

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