
Back to a Time when Life was Easier

I stare at the wall for a long moment, thnking back to a time when life was simple.
Middle school was hell, so there was no sense in contemplating that. Elementary school though, that was nice. Recess every day, kind, happy teachers, and innocent little children.
Well, they used to be innocent. I smile to myself ruefully, glancing down the hall at Will and Kristen, who are now making out.
I shake my head, sighing. I hadn’t known Will or Kristen in Elementary school, perhaps they were the source of my problems. But I hadn’t known Bluma either, or Faith, or Shakira, or Rachel! I can’t imagine my life without them. Or Emma, who most unfortunately did not share our lunch. I thought about poor Emma for a moment, all alone in 1st lunch when the rest of us were in English honors.
Well, that’s what she gets for taking regular classes. I sigh, wishing she was smarter. Then she’d be in more of my classes, and could lift my mood more. It was selfish, I know, but I loved having Emma around. She was just fun.

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