
Let it Burn (Sentence Challenge)

Reading, I gridded my teeth. I sat there as a single, angry tear burned down my cheek. That single line stood out.

I am sorry if I lead you to believe I liked you. I don’t, I like her…

As I read on my anger raised to the point of breaking. How could he use me like that to get to my friend? He wrote this all like he doesn’t even care!

I know that right now you probably hate me.

“Ya think!” I growled out loud.

You will always be my friend.

“You know what I say to that?”

I held the letter over a trash can and grabbed a pen. Opening the pen, I broke it open. The pen spilt ink-blood onto the page. Some reason that just didn’t quite satisfy so I found a lighter and made a pit outside. Lighting the paper I watched it burn. If only feelings could burn away like that so easily.

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