
Just a Taste of the Fear

“We should probably go back to school.” I say in a whisper, knowing I will be safer. He is expelled from our school.

Spencer frowns but then nods, “Ya, your right.”

He takes my hand and we stroll out of the park. I hear a noise, like someone is following us. I glance back and no one is. Robert is trying to freak me out, and it is working.

Spencer puts his around my hip. I feel a shot of comfort, until I hear the noise again. I glance back, and still nothing.

“Grace, calm down. I am here to protect you.” Those words gave me comfort for now. I wonder what will happen as soon as I am alone. When I am alone he will mess with my head. He will give me prank phone calls, throw rocks at my window, pound on my door, he will do it all. This is only the beginning.

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