
Two Old Friends [MP Challenge]

One day, Ricky the Magic Pixie went down to Dingly Dell. This took far too long due to his unique and rather absurd gait, for which we shall not penalize him. Upon arriving he was most pleased to see his old friend.

“G’day Bruce,” Ricky said cheerily, “What are you up to?”

“Mosquito hunting,” said Bruce grimly.

“Is that today? I thought today was philosophical football.”

“No, that’s Wednesdays.”

“Today is Wednesday.”

“Sorry, I meant the palindrome.”

Ricky pondered a moment, raised his finger in question, and began, “It’s…”

“Look, you,” Bruce snapped, “I’d like to object in the strongest possible manner to this line of questioning.”

“Sorry Bruce.”

“S’alright Ricky.”

“S’alright,” Ricky repeated with a giggle.

“Now don’t start that again! And will someone shut that damn bouzouki off?!” The bouzouki player pulled his kerchief from his head and skulked away.

Ricky sighed, “I think it’s time we have…”

“Something completely different?”

“And so you shall,” said Ricky with a wink…and a nudge.

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