
Life and Times of Lorraine Dakota- part 30

I can’t believe it. Of all the things to happen to me: my water breaks at school. I’ve been praying for this to not happen. And as usual my prays weren’t answered.
So as I was being wheeled in the O.R. for the C-Section I wasn’t that happy. Well, that was probably because all pregnant women aren’t happy much of the time. So to have Nick bustle about me being a complete spaz was annoying the hell out of me. After he asked for the billionth time if I was alright I shouted, “Nick! What did I say 5 minutes ago? I’m about as fine as a girl in labor is going to get. Now I don’t want you in the operating room, so go away!” This left Nick in shock, me yelling at him, but he listened to me. I smiled as they wheeled me into the room.

As the doctors were prepping me a nurse came up to me saying, “Now normally you’d stay awake for this C-section, but because of your age we decided to put you asleep for it.” Then the mask went over my face and I soon after felt the pinprick of the needle, making me fall asleep quick.

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