
Mayday, Abandon Life

My mom opens her eyes and lets out a deep breath. Ok what now? “Mom, I got to get ready for school, okay, we can talk about this later okay?” “No you wait, sit down” my mother said in a softer tone now. NOT GOOD , MAYDAY!
Abandon life, please.
I sat down on my butt-trapping bed. My mother sat next to me. She had a huge smile on her face now. _They’re back. . . _ Either she had multiple personality disorder, or we’re going to talk about IT. “Okay honey, tell me, is their something wrong. . . Are you having “strong feelings” for a certain someone, or having the urge to…. Oh now! Don’t make me say it!” She sid the last part with a teasing tone, she started to blush. I was knew this was gonna come up one day, but I thought I would be the one blushing and having the damn problem. But no , I don’t have a love life, no school dances or proms. I gather my forage: A bucket of ice cream, a bottle of caramel, cakemix, and lots of twix, butterfingers, and my spoon to watch reruns of old shows. That’s the life..

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