
Change this story: contest

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I threw my bag at the floor and threw myself on my bed. I found all the pictures of us and tore them in half. I threw the stuff he gave me out the window. I blasted music.
Every time he called I’d jam the END button down. Finally I just threw threw the phone at the wall.
I was just mad, I guess. I ran out of the house and grabbed a hammer. I smashed up his car and ran to the old bridge we used to hang out at. I smashed pieces of that.
There was no cars on the almost deserted bridge right now. I knew he would be taking it later. It would fall. His heart would be crushed like he crushed mine. I jumped off the bridge.

That was randomness from my head so don’t judge. You can make it funny, exciting, stupid, sweet, anything. Make it GOOD . Cause everyone knows this story is NOT .

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