
What Does It Mean To Be Free?

We have free will
We have Freedom
We have it in shackles
We can do whatever we want
Just nothing bad
And these shackles?
I feel them in me
They’re alive and growing
Getting stronger
More confident
By the minute
They go by the name of conscience
As I grow they grow
I dislike them
They tell me what to do
They confine my actions
They’re bossy
Yes I deffinetly
Not like my shackles
My limitations
There is a way out of it
A way to get rid of them
Away to
Cast off my shackles
A way to kill
This conscience of mine
I do
It dosen’t go down easy
It won’t die without a fight
It thinks I need it
HA! I laugh
It thinks I need something to tell me what to do
How to act
But I don’t
I don’t
And I kill it
This conscience of mine
Is dead
My shackles at my feet
I am now truly
Aren’t I?
Is this what it means
Is this how
To be

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