
Week of the Weird

I wrung my hands nervously in my lap, trying hard not to make my eyes dart around the room.

“Well, you see – “

But, as Fate would have it, Lady Luck was smiling down at me, because right then and there, I heard Peggy’s voice shouting out to me from beyond my dressing room door.

“Heeeey, Pat! You’ve got one more scene with the nightgown on – you need a touch up!”

I stood up almost immediately and gave a small nod in Ray’s direction, whilst walking for the door.

And then, I felt something clasp around my right hand. I looked down – Ray had grabbed my hand.

Without a glove.

Geez, is this the week of the weird? First, some hooligan enters my house (unheralded and completely randomly) and then Ray starts asking questions and takes his gloves off in less than a second, when it usually takes hours to convince him to remove one of them.

He blinked at me, his eyes looking clouded.

I shook my hand lightly.

“Hey! You alright?”

He released me as if I had burnt him.

What is up with the world?!

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