
The Following Ficlet Takes Place Between 2:00 AM and 3:00 AM

2:02:02 AM

Marcos wasn’t surprised when Victor returned to the warehouse after taking out his tails. What he hadn’t expected was Victor returning with a bound and hooded man in tow. And the biggest surprise of all was when Victor removed his captive’s hood.

“Dad!â€? Jason blurted at the sight of Gordon Reeves.

“You brought Reeves here?!â€? Marcos fumed. “Victor, can’t you do anything right?â€?

“He knew I was working for you,â€? Victor explained. “I had to either bring him, or do what I did to the other one.â€?

“The other one?â€? Marcos asked.

Victor gestured with his hands, pantomiming a scene in which a car goes over a pier and into the bay.

“Besides,â€? Victor continued, “Now we can keep an eye on the doctor’s every move, while we have him do the money transfers from the computer in your office.â€?

Marcos considered it, then cracked a smile. “Did I ever tell you I like the way you think?â€? he asked.


“That’s because I don’t,â€? Marcos said. “But this could actually work.â€?

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